Saturday 9 August 2008

4: Earth Energy

By our nature as human beings, we are sceptical of ghosts and the afterlife. Most people would say that they don’t believe or that they are not sure. You have to experience something on some level, either big or small. We seem to find it difficult recognising the existence of anything which we cannot experience through our familiar five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. For example, electricity is only accepted through what it can power and because we get a nasty shock if we touch it. But the existence of a mild form of energy which not everybody has experienced is naturally doubted by many people. Also, if it is not understood by the scientific community then it is impossible to design an instrument to measure it, and without this proof it can’t exist, can it?

This is the problem faced by those who understand and feel the existence of earth energy. If one stands in open country, away from noise and smell pollution, then it is possible to establish a feeling of ‘normality’. Stand on open ground under which a line of earth energy passes and that feeling changes quite markedly. The sensation is neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but simply different and if the energy is strong, then the reaction to it is stronger. It may cause the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up; it may give you a strange feeling in your chest or the pit of your stomach. But you will be aware of your reaction to it. Ancient peoples recognised and accepted the existence of this energy, apparently without question.

It is thought that the energy is created by underground streams, but while they may have something to do with the phenomenon, it is not the complete picture. The streams are merely the conduit of the energy, not the cause of it.

The St. Michael energy lines are a prime example of the two elements of a major line, each element resembling the wires in an electric cable, one for the positive current, one for the negative. Touching these two wires together would cause sparks to fly in open air. So when the two energy lines meet at a node in the earth, the effect is as powerful, but appears in a different way. Above the ground the energy forms a spiral in the shape of a cone, with the base at ground level. The stronger the energy at the node, the larger is the spiral both in diameter and height. Below ground level the shapes can vary, as they are affected by various external forces.

In ancient times the node was signified by a cross, denoting the crossing currents and this is why this symbol was naturally adopted by later religions. The authors of 'The Sun and The Serpent' found that there were many other routes of energy which joined these two main elements, which in turn branched out into less powerful lines. Such a phenomenon is not restricted to southern England, since the whole of the Earth's surface has these energy lines, emanating from the twelve major lines previously mentioned. This is a comprehensive global underground network of energy lines passing through the surface of the earth crust and exists both on land and under the sea.

Study of this Earth energy has shown that its measurable width at the surface can vary from a few inches to more than twenty yards. At such a width it has been found to take the form of many 'sub-streams' flowing in alternate directions, giving the line a bi-directional quality. In the case of the two elements of the St. Michael line, both have this quality, allowing each to provide branch lines. There are also very strong indications that the strength and directional flow of the energy is affected by the relative positions of the planets and Sun in our solar system and by other stars and planets in their own systems. The reasons for this will become clear as we continue.

This energy is found in certain types of igneous rock known as granite and rhyolite and in sandstone, a sedimentary rock. It is unable to pass through or be retained by limestone (or its soft form - chalk) because of its chemical composition, or by sediments such as sand because of their physical structure. If a large piece of granite is sunk into the ground on an energy line it has been found that the stone carries seven horizontal bands of energy. Two of these are below ground while five are above, from the top of the stone to just above ground level. These bands or layers vary in height according to the lunar cycle and there are two periods when such a stone contains zero energy. These are the sixth day after the new and full Moon and relate to the movement of Venus. The dates were recognised in the Roman calendar as 'Nones' and 'Ides', although by then, the dates had become fixed in the calendar.

Fissures, or splits, exist all over the Earth's surface, which moves under gravitational pull from the Sun and the Moon. Earthquakes and Volcanoes occur along the major splits, the former occurring when two great areas of the Earth's crust, or 'plates' as they are known, suddenly move against each other. The regular daily movement of the Earth's crust causes piezo-electricity to be formed, which flows along the direction of the fissure. This current, aided by an underground water stream with high iron content (chalybeate), creates a magnetic field in the form of a coil around the fissure, and it is this magnetic field which is perceived as Earth energy. Electricity is also produced in the granite through compression, and as it is of a measurable quantity which is lower than that along the fissures, it establishes the level of background energy in any particular location. Because of the nature of the movement of the Earth's surface, minor fissures are present running off larger ones, giving rise to the existence of minor energy lines branching out from the major ones. Where fissures cross, energy nodes are present, and it is the meeting of the induced magnetic fields which cause the vertical spiral of energy to be formed.

The nature of the horizontal induced magnetic fields is not that of a simple coil. When the aforementioned large stone is placed on an energy line, it takes up the magnetic field, enhancing it through its own capacity for piezo-electricity. The seven bands of energy in the stone, five above ground, two below, relate to some of the layers of the magnetic field above the fissure, each layer being a coil in its own right. We therefore have coils within coils, which give rise to the flows of energy in alternate directions, and the apparent width of the energy line. If water passes along the fissure, then the energy is increased because of the conductivity of water. The St. Michael line consists of two fissures, related by their connections at the node points and it is the existence of these nodes which gives the two energy lines their different characteristics.

Compression of a piece of quartz crystal causes an electric current to be present between the faces of the crystal, and this is known as piezo-electricity. Conversely, passage of a current through the crystal makes it change shape. Granite contains a high percentage of quartz, while sandstone is almost entirely of the crystal. When a large piece of sandstone is placed in a magnetic field, the rock creates electricity. As the sandstone is subject to compression and attraction by gravitational pull from the Sun and the Moon, this also creates electricity in the rock. When the two are complementary the level of current in the rock can increase to the point where it vibrates, emits a sudden electrical discharge, or creates unusual light effects. If it vibrates, it emits a single note in the twelve note octave.

When the granite was formed in very ancient times, through the cooling of molten rock, the cooling process was affected by the magnetic field of the Earth existing at that time. This effect meant that any electricity created by the rock, through compression to give piezo-electricity, would generate a magnetic field having the same characteristics and direction of flow. Pole reversals have occurred in the past, and rock created prior to such an event causes a compass to give a misleading reading after the reversal.

Knowledge of the electro-magnetic energy possessed by man is increasing all the time, but in ancient times it was recognised that this could be transferred to a large stone by hitting it a relative number of times according to its weight. This is why large 'dressed' stones, shaped by man, which are placed in the ground far from any earth currents, carry energy in excess of their own natural electro-magnetic field. This property was understood in the building of Stonehenge. The ancient observatory is situated on a thick bed of chalk which is in turn covered by a thin layer of glacial drift. With such a formation, it is inevitable that no energy lines can be found running through the site. This is one of the reasons why Stonehenge was built in that precise location. To understand the causes of the variation in strength and quality of the energies at Avebury and Glastonbury, a site had to be chosen which would be free from those very same magnetic energies.

Figure 4.1 An earlier stage in the development of Stonehenge, showing the bluestone circle and horseshoe used to monitor the motions of the Moon. Alignments to sunrise and sunset on 1st May and 31st October had long before been built into the design.

Stonehenge, or Sessie as it was then known, had, at one point, consisted of a horseshoe of 19 bluestones surrounded by a circle of 30 bluestones with 30 lintels, all within the rectangle of station stones and the Aubrey ring of holes (see figure 4.1). This arrangement was used to monitor the cycles of the Moon, bluestone being used because of its high content of relatively large quartz crystals, giving it a strong natural magnetism which masks any energy gained through the process of shaping or 'dressing'. The ring of lintels formed a level viewing line over which the rising position of the Moon could be observed. To monitor the motions of the Sun, the horseshoe of five trilithons was later erected surrounding the bluestone horseshoe, and a circle of thirty huge uprights placed around the outside of the bluestone circle. These were topped by a level, continuous ring of thirty lintels, and both the new circle and the horseshoe of trilithons were of Sarsen, natural sandstone found to the north of Stonehenge. Dressing these stones, however, gave them a magnetic charge, and it was necessary to rearrange the bluestone circle as sixty uprights to reduce the effect of this ring of energy on the horseshoe of trilithons which were also charged.

The destruction was terrible, but it was necessary, as the power was so strong. The sarsen lintels were now the viewing platform. The bluestones merely blocked the energy and their exact positioning was not important as long as they achieved their task. The two horseshoes were quite different and their tuning was complicated. The Altar stone, as it is known, was a major part of this. Crafted from blue-grey sandstone, not bluestone, it was placed at the ‘focal point’ (the relevance of this cannot be underestimated). The bluestone horseshoe had two purposes, one of which was to block the energies from the trilithons up to a certain height from the Altar stone. This protected people and also allowed the tuning (yes - tuning) of the trilithons to work.
Much destruction has taken place and the site cannot be recreated without knowing what has to be achieved. The complex of Altar stone, bluestone horseshoe and trilithon horseshoe had great symbolic value, the Altar stone representing the Sun, the horseshoe of 19 stones representing the Moon, while the horseshoe of 5 trilithons represented the Earth (see figure 4.2). This is how the site has been given its religious emphasis, but this ignores the original importance of Stonehenge regarding scientific study.

Figure 4.2 The central part of Stonehenge in its final phase. The circle of sarsen lintels was about 16ft. (5m) high and had a diameter of 97ft. (29.7m). The five trilithons varied in height from 20ft. (6.1m) to 24ft. (7.3m), and the Altar Stone rose to 10ft. (3m) above the ground. The tallest bluestone in the horseshoe was in front of the Great Trilithon, and was about 6ft. (1.8m) high.

At other sites, such as Callanish in the Outer Hebrides, the earth energy is present as a node, on which the central obelisk is placed. This impedes the cross-currents which were so strong at Stonehenge, but the energy ring still exists in the stones around the central point, and acts as a protective shield. There is a similar site at Castlerigg in the Lake District of northern England, with a stone circle surrounding a central obelisk. An extra property of this circle is that individual stones have been positioned so that they mark the extreme points of Moon and Sun rise and set on the horizon, when viewed from the central obelisk.

Although the use of 'blocking' stones, like the bluestones at Stonehenge, is understood, the purpose of using 'charged' stones elsewhere requires further explanation. Two such stones placed some distance apart give rise to an energy line flowing between the two, and this line is subject to the same variations as earth energy, both in strength and direction. By setting up a chain of stones across the countryside, covering many miles, it is clear that a network of energy lines can exist. If one or more of the stones in the chain resides on an earth energy line, then the resulting effect becomes very interesting, and gives the 'stone energy line’ additional power.

Recognition of the energy line between two stones which have been charged by man leads one to the observation that a similar line must exist between two people. This is found to be true when each person concentrates upon the mind of the other, and it is this 'energy flow' which forms the basis of telepathy and other such phenomena. Extension of this approach begins to explain the use of extensive chains of charged stones across the country, if you include the link between a person and the stone which that person has 'charged'.

While the motions of the planets and the stars are known to alter the qualities of the energy, both below and above ground, events closer to the Earth also have their effect. The power source in our solar system is the Sun and it is thought that this star has been the centre of our system for over five billion years. It emits varying amounts of energy in solar flares from different parts of its mass known as sun spots, and creates solar wind, energy that has escaped the Sun and flows out into the solar system. The energy not only takes the form of heat and light, but also as electro-magnetic fields of great strength. These fields are absorbed by each planet in the solar system and affect the path taken by each round the Sun. Each planet also emits energy, to be absorbed by the others, creating a system of equilibrium. This energy flow round the system, when combined with the varying positions of the planets in relation to the Earth, begins to explain the changes in strength and quality of the energy lines in the earth and between stones.

The Sun has two types of magnetic field, polar and equatorial, and each has two separate positive and negative areas. The action in the Sun causes these fields to rotate, the polar fields taking thirty seven days to complete a cycle, while the equatorial fields take twenty six days. This difference in rotational speeds causes solar activity which results in the solar wind to be emitted. This takes about forty eight hours to reach the Earth, a distance of 91.4 - 94.5 million miles. The solar wind, as it reaches the Earth, is of different polarity every seven days, causing the earth energy to alter its polarity at the same time. This is the basis of our seven-day week and the day of change had a very special meaning, giving rise to the Christian day of rest, Sunday (Sun-day).

The solar wind is also responsible for the more familiar northern and southern 'lights', technically known as Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis. The charged particles from the solar flares meet the magnetic field around the Earth and are deflected towards the north and south poles. Here they enter the upper atmosphere and interact with the various gases at very high altitudes. We see these reactions as different colours because our eyes cannot interpret them in any other way. The effects can only be seen in the night sky, but the solar wind regularly affects the Earth, and our five physical senses are clearly unable to perceive them during daylight.

The Sun is now radiating about 25% more heat than it did when life is said to have first appeared 3½ billion years ago, but despite this, the surface temperature of the Earth has remained fairly constant. Furthermore, the quantity of water on the planet and in the atmosphere surrounding it also remains constant and there is a steady process of evaporation and precipitation whereby the humidity levels are kept in balance. The evaporation of water also causes electricity to be carried into the atmosphere, and when this becomes excessive, storms allow this to come to earth in sudden discharges. The excess also causes other extreme weather events such as whirlwinds, the vortex at the centre creating a vacuum powerful enough to wreck buildings and lift cars and boats. Winds are caused by temperature differences, which result in variations of air pressure both vertically and across great areas of land and sea. The attempt to even-up the pressure can create hurricanes which also wreak enormous damage particularly where there is human habitation.

These events, major and minor, are what we call weather, and are caused by the variations in atmospheric, land and water temperatures as a result of radiation from the Sun. These variations also occur at different depths in the oceans and altitudes in the atmosphere, resulting in a most complex three-dimensional volume of activity which attempts to achieve harmony. The amount of methane and oxygen in the atmosphere has remained nearly constant for hundreds of millions of years even though they interact to destroy each other. Also, the salt content of the oceans has almost remained constant at approximately 3.4%. The concentration of the unstable atom C-14 in the air remains constant, assuming that man does not contribute to the quantity through nuclear activities, and this constancy is at the heart of the radio-carbon dating process.

As the most popular scientific process available at present for establishing the age of ancient sites, this procedure involves the analysis of plant and animal remains found at the site. The procedure is based on the decay of those remains. Carbon dioxide gas in the air is absorbed by plants, with the help of the Sun, in the process of growing. The gas contains both the unstable atom of carbon, C-14, and the stable form C-12. When the plant dies it no longer absorbs carbon dioxide and the process of decay causes the unstable C-14 to change into C-12, with an associated emission of radio-activity. As the plant matter is also eaten by animals, the same process of decay takes place in the animal when it too dies. The rate of change from C-14 to C-12 is said to be consistent over a very long period. By measuring the relative amounts of both in plant and animal remains and then applying the rate of change to the amounts, a 'date of death' for the specimen can be found. Unfortunately various assumptions must be made in this process to arrive at a date, not least of which is the 'fact' that the site can be no older than the oldest remains found. It is also assumed that the decay occurs at the same consistent rate over the period of, say, 5000 years.

It is known that lightning storms cause fluctuations in the background radiation of the Earth and when one considers the massive electrical energy in a lightning strike this is no surprise. 2 - 300,000 amps travelling at up to 1000 miles (1600 km.) per second creates an immensely powerful magnetic field around the bolt and this field also exists above the storm clouds, several miles up into the atmosphere. At any one time, there are almost 2000 individual active thunderstorms on Earth, and while severe thunderstorms occur mainly in the belt around the tropics and sub-tropics where the heat and humidity are high, the whole process of lightning discharge to earth is one of balancing the electrical energy in the atmosphere with that in the Earth. Storms acting on one part of the Earth affect the atmosphere above another part, so the process cannot be seen as local, but one involving the whole of the Earth and the atmosphere around the Earth. This process is directly affected by the solar energy from the Sun and must be seen as part of the overall energy balance between the planets of the solar system and our star, the Sun.

The temperature of the air around a lightning bolt reaches 30,000°C and is responsible for creating basic elements and gases on earth and in the atmosphere necessary to continue the equilibrium already discussed. These massive discharges of electricity must therefore not be considered as freak accidents, but as part of the essential process in the formation of the Earth and its surrounding atmosphere together with the perpetuation of the equilibrium keeping both in existence.

While it is now clear why earth energy exists and how it is affected by events around the earth and far away, the reasons why it has been so important to mankind is still an apparent mystery and is buried in the ancient knowledge. The connection between this energy and that of light and sound is basic to understanding this knowledge and it is at the root of the fundamental harmony.

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