Monday 11 August 2008

6: The Physical World

The complex relationship between the physical and spiritual worlds has proved a fascinating and sometimes baffling subject over many, many centuries. But as the two have developed along separate lines, perhaps the relationship is not as complex as first appears. The physical world we perceive depends on our five physical senses - they fit together to present a 'picture' in our brain. But it is only a 'picture'. It is reality as we perceive it. We are taught this perception from our earliest childhood. It may also be determined from 'blueprinting' of the brain, in that preconceived perceptions may be in-built by being human. We all seem to describe the same physical world, but our individual perceptions may be quite different. The language that we use relates to that perception, but it is standard language and therefore we may give the impression of describing the same things when in fact we see something quite different.

We look up in the clear night sky and see many stars. The star in our system is the Sun so at night we don't see the planets, only the stars, except those planets reflecting light from a nearby star. However, the distance is so great that what we see now is not real, but light from stars which was emitted some time ago. We do not know what the current position is; this will only be known some time in the future.
Figure 6.1 The eye has the ability to reverse and invert
Our senses present a view of ourselves and the world we live in to the brain, which interprets this information to form our reality as we perceive it. But it is only a perception, as our senses are highly selective and frequently we ignore information if only to retain our sanity. The human eye inverts and reverses light energy it receives, but as both eyes do the same, the concept of up and down, left and right are established at an early age and do not change. Distance, the third dimension, is unaffected as this acts along the axis of the lens in each eye.

If you take away two senses, sight and touch, what is reality? There would be none. You would not perceive your own physical form nor that of any other object or person. Therefore it is our mind which creates the reality, physical form, from the constant relationship between what we see and what we touch. Sanity as we know it.

As we have already discussed, the Earth and the material existence it represents has the quality of 5, and with the Light of 7, as demonstrated regularly by the rainbow, presents us with our reality, harmony, of 12. While this mathematically may seem to make some sense, the qualities of 5, 7 and 12 go far further than mere mathematics. In simple terms, this can be presented thus:
Energy (5) + Light (7) = Reality (12)

If you travel at the speed of light, you 'suspend' the equation, and time, which is related to the reality in direct proportion in order to have movement, stands still. If you travel at greater than the speed of light, then you pass away from reality onto what can be termed the 'other' side. We will talk about this more later.

Energy, Light and Time - you travel at the speed of light and everything stands still. Energy is the glue which holds everything together. Light is what gives it reality, to be 'seen' by man. Energy gives it feel, and the other attributes. Light and its relationship to the Sun gives time. Time has a very deep relationship with light. In our simple existence, we relate time with the Earth's spin and with movement of the Sun in the sky.

Man's existence is in reality, and all forms of reality have time. If you are in a place where there is no light, this does not mean there is no time, because you, man, are in reality, which has time. Motion exists with time - no passage of time, no motion. Motion can be seen through contrast of light, moving object against background. Life and gravity give motion; without these there is no motion, for these create motion.

You have your existence and you occupy a particular position. That is relevant to 'now' in time, but even 'now' has passed and is history. That is how special time is. You occupy your place, your space. No-one else can occupy that space at that moment. You can move elsewhere to allow someone else to occupy that space. But you cannot move instantly, it takes time. What if you moved at the speed of light, then it wouldn't take any time? You cannot move at the speed of light, not you as a physical form as matter. Your spirit, yes, as that is pure energy, but not your physical form as that is matter. If you moved at the speed of light, then your material physical form would shed all its electricity and you would no longer have a physical form. So you as a person cannot move at the speed of light. Movement takes time in the physical world, the two are indivisible. So if you move, it takes time, even if the time is minuscule.

Matter exists because of time. If we didn't have our concept of time, we would not have matter. Time is the boundary which defines matter. This is what walls are about. Time is not a physical boundary but an energy boundary.

Time is what gives the material world its existence. Without time there would be no physical reality, there would be no matter, there would be just pure energy. Pure energy does not know time. This is how we have lost control of the material world. Time has been allowed to control the actions, 'events', of the material world, taking control out of the spiritual world. Yes, time controls the existence of the material, but it should never control the events as well; these should flow naturally from the control by the spiritual world, so that time also flows naturally. Instead we organise the events forward on a time basis, allowing the clock to determine the future. The clock was never meant to be for this purpose, that is: for the future. It was meant to show the passage of time passed.

Electricity is the only form of energy which cannot travel faster than the speed of light. When it travels at the same speed of light, it is light. That is why matter is held together with electricity and why matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light. It also explains light, the emission of electricity travelling at the speed of light. And remember, time is relative to the speed of light. Light is life. The very energy which is emitted in fire is the life of the matter, the substance.

We can create white light with a light bulb, but where does the light come from? Ostensibly from the intense heat of the filament, but maybe it comes from a different source. The filament is a coil which is coiled. This creates a magnetic field which is opposite to the current passing through it. When the alternating current is positive, the magnetic field is negative; when negative, the field is positive. It therefore spins and gives off light in the discharge of energy from the molecules of gas forming the magnet. This spinning gas does not need to go faster than the speed of light to give out the electricity; speed of light is sufficient. Having lost the electricity to give the light, the air molecules take up fresh electricity from the current passing through the wire. This perpetuates the process until the current is switched off. The filament is heated by the process. In the end this heating causes the wire to change structure and break.

Fire, it appears to destroy but who is to say it destroys? It certainly changes form. Fire is the massive discharge of the electricity which binds matter together. What are left are ashes which are the remnants of the matter. Spontaneous combustion is the result of a situation whereby the energy which binds matter together no longer can remain with the matter. The discharge is the combustion. The matter imbalance causes the discharge which is electrical in form, but has the appearance of fire. All animal and vegetable matter, i.e. all that grows, can be destroyed by fire. Inorganic matter that is part of the Earth can be melted but not destroyed. It can be turned into liquid. Liquids are inorganic by root and can be heated to form gas. Water is not part of this and is very different. Gas is very complex in its form. It can be frozen to change its form, to liquid; it can be heated, but then it does not change its form.

Time is what gives matter its existence. It is the boundary which makes matter exist physically. Accelerate to the speed of light and the matter no longer exists in this time frame. The energy does, but not the matter. The matter now exists in the next time frame. It is now in a time frame with other matter which is all travelling at the speed of light relative to the time frame 'previous'.

The planet Earth is travelling at a huge speed, but not at the speed of light relative to all other bodies in space. That is why it can receive light from those bodies. If you were able to slow down an object by a factor of the speed of light, you would go into a previous time frame.

The speed of the Earth is such that it is slowly catching up with the next time frame. Since the next time frame is the future at any one point in time, this gradual 'catching up' is logical. That is why we are also gradually moving away from the previous time frame. This gradual catching up is what we record as time using a clock. Note that a time frame is a theoretical instant in time and never actually exists because of its instantaneousness. Think about it for a second and the time frame has moved on a second.

Each time frame, a factor of the speed of light, moves into the future by that factor. By how many years relates to the speed of the Earth relative to the speed of light, since that is by how much forward we have 'jumped'. This is because by accelerating something to the speed of light, you are accelerating that object relative to the speed of the Earth or object you are standing on.

Pure energy can move from one time frame to another, only matter has time as its boundary. Remember that the 'soul' is pure energy and is able to traverse time frames during sleep.

Accelerate to a speed to between factors of the speed of light and you will be between time frames. You will have to wait until the previous time frame catches you up before you 'materialise' - turn into matter. You need to separate the spirit from the body in order for the body to rest and recover fully. The spirit goes on a 'journey' and that is what dreams are about.

You know that pure energy moving at the speed of light is light, but you may wonder about Lightning. Pure energy moving at the speed of light is beyond the speed of sound. Lightning is where 'static' electricity is accelerated up to the speed of light, and when it passes the speed of sound you get the explosion. It then continues to accelerate to the speed of light.

Figure 6.2 The motions of a point on the Earth, about a conceptual point within the Galaxy, which create the three dimensions of matter.

Standing on the Earth at night and watching the clear night sky, you may think that everything is moving slowly, but it is not. A point on the equator moves at nearly 1040 miles per hour due to the rotation of the Earth. Through the orbit of the Sun, that same point is moving at about 66,000 miles per hour. The Sun is also travelling through our galaxy at nearly 44,000 miles per hour. Three speed dimensions giving a three-dimensional motion through space, giving the three dimensions of reality, matter. The three dimensional theory is based on the three dimensions of motion of the Earth relative to the galaxy: spin, orbit, movement of solar system. This has nothing to do with the speed of light, but it rationalises the reason for three dimensions. Light, the envelope, has its own speed and this is related to the maximum speed of electricity, the glue of the material world.
The motion of the planet, not only the spin, creates the physical matter. This motion is three-dimensional in a time envelope, which creates the physical matter, the physical existence. Every object on the planet, because it is on the planet, is subject to the same motion - if it wasn't, it would not be on the planet. Therefore, it exists in the same manner as the planet. That is why all matter on the earth, and the earth itself, are three-dimensional in a time envelope. It is not necessary for an object on the planet to spin independently, since it is already, by being on the planet.

An object in space only exists relative to another object which is travelling in the same three-dimensional reality. To make an object 'unreal' on this planet, it is necessary to move in an 'opposite' three-dimensional plane which can only be done by inverting the time envelope. Objects disappearing and then reappearing, or appearing 'out of nowhere' is because they are, or were, in a different time frame.

We all live in different time frames so that we can co-exist, the same with every object. Clocks establish a time for the overall harmony, but not the individual time or time frame for any one object. You can, as we have discussed, move matter into another time frame by moving it faster than the speed of light. This simply allows an object to move from one three-dimensional time envelope into another. An object reappearing moves into that time frame and slows down to sub-light speed to materialise.

You can see something, matter, because it is travelling at sub-light speed. If it was greater than that speed, the light would not reach the object, would not be reflected, and therefore you would not see it. This brings together the concept of reflected light to give presence and colour and the fact that matter cannot exist at greater than light speed because the electricity in the object, the glue, cannot travel at greater than light speed.

If the energies of the cosmos affect the Earth to give what we call the Zodiac, the similar harmonies of energies affect every celestial body in the cosmos. Energy acting on a celestial body will in turn affect the energy which it imparts to the rest of the cosmos. This is the harmony. It is the combination of energies into a specific type of harmony which determines the physical representation of a planet, including the form of 'life' which may exist on that planet. Remember that the planet is merely a physical representation, and its form is determined by that harmony. Life of any form on that planet is a type of energy and those types of energy exist because of the harmony of energies in that physical position in the cosmos. That is to say that those energies from other parts of the cosmos have a focal point, and at the focal point is a planet, created by those energies and motivated by those energies.

The 'blueprint' of creation is an expression of those energies of a planet forming the harmony which created that planet.

You must understand that it is an evolving cosmos, the energies from a planet change as the energies acting on it also change. This is all part of the movement of the constituents of the cosmos. The movement causes the changes in the harmonies of the energies which in turn create the energies for the movement. That in itself is a harmony which is self-supporting.

No person has ever left or will ever leave the solar system. Our three-dimensional world is purely of the Solar system and what we 'see' outside this system is only our perception of reality. The stars are emission of energy which we have interpreted in a particular way but we should not impose our form of 'reality' on these distant energy sources. One can never understand 'science' if one does not understand the basis of reality.

The solid bodies, planets and stars affect the 'terrestrial' magnetism in the Earth and in other planets. The Solar radiation from our star, the Sun, affects the magnetism of the space around the planet. For the Earth this means the Van Allen belts (see figure 6.3), and fluctuations between the two properties, 'terrestrial' and 'spatial', causes the weather and other similar phenomena.

The concept of time in this 'universe' must not be applied outside; it only applies to this existence. Time is the all-embracing total envelope in which all matter exists.

Each person has their time frames; these do not apply universally, only to each person. Each has 12 frames, radiating from a point. You can travel frame to frame at the point. This point is conceptual, not real in the physical sense. Time travel as a physical form is not possible for the reasons we have discussed. The twelve frames have already existed; only your spirit traverses these frames, through the process of ‘re-incarnation’ or by other ways.

Ancient points had fixed radials which resembled the 12 frames radiating from their conceptual centre. These ancient points, or 'nodes', were used for spirit travel to different time frames. When the return ' journey' failed, the physical form 'died'. Hence the confusion with burial centres and graves.

Physical existence is like a wrapped sliced loaf: the whole is sliced into time frames and within each time frame (slice) there are crumbs, individual forms of life, plant, animal, human; all the time frames are held together by the wrapping. This concept of the 'wrapped sliced loaf' applies to each person, or their spirit to be more accurate, not to time overall which is global for existence. This is why one can accept that the future has already happened. It is simply an 'inaccessible' time frame.

The 'future' is that which we do not perceive, as the future has already happened. If we could 'see' into the future, then it would not exist - as we would then perceive it.

Supporting this 3-dimensional world is an equal and opposite 'negative' form of the same thing. That is how what we see is held in harmony - an equal and balancing negative. Objects can be moved through psycho-kinesis by addressing that 'negative' world. Move something in that existence and it follows that its equivalent in the 'positive' world will also move. Negative ultra-sonic sound is necessary and this is created by the right person who naturally interacts with the negative world of 'form'. The right person is able to relate to both sides of the mirror.

This negative form of the positive is effectively on the other side of the mirror; it is formed in the same way, three-dimensionally through motion, as for the positive side, except that it is in principle the inverted or converse form. Time moves in the opposite direction, but this is very complicated and it is necessary to have a better understanding of time in the positive before 'negative' time can be appreciated. It is to do with positive and negative space.

The negative world is effectively on the inside of the positive world, supporting the positive and creating the balance, the harmony. This is necessary simply because the positive, on its own, would have no material form as the energy would be unrestrained. Although motion creates the three dimensions, the energy created within those three boundaries has to be restrained, and it is the equivalent negative form which creates the control, equal and opposite, within the positive form. It is as though we see the outside, the positive, but cannot see the inside, the negative.

Directly affecting the 'inside' causes unexplained but obvious effects on the 'outside', which we can see, like psycho-kinesis.

Gravity is a bit like this, causing objects on a spinning mass to be 'attracted' to the centre of gravity of the spinning mass. That force is what allows the mass to remain solid; it is the restraining force which keeps the mass as a solid. Spinning the mass causes the 'negative' form to become apparent, causing the 'negative' energy in the negative form to control the outer physical form to remain solid while it is spinning. The spin causes a force to be exerted on the positive form. The negative form must exert an equal and opposite force in order that the positive form remains unchanged, remains harmonious. That equal and opposite force (negative in nature) is known as gravity.

So what is the relationship between the positive, the negative, and the electricity holding matter together? The positive is what you see; the negative is on the inside, balancing the positive, and thereby creating the matter that you see, the 'image' that you see. The electricity holding matter together is the flow from positive to negative.

Light is the carrier of heat which allows life to exist. It is life which perceives Time. Time may have an effect on inanimate objects, but such objects do not perceive time. Time is needed for the Light to be perceived since Light is the emission of electrical energy from matter. This emission is not instantaneous but requires time.

It is Light which creates Time, Time being the envelope in which matter, of three dimensions, exists. It is the energy of Light which is locked into matter in order to establish its existence. This is why Light is emitted when matter hits light speed.

If Light is emitted at Light speed of matter, then it must be absorbed at sub-light speed. This, with Time, allows the three dimensions to create matter.

Since Light is travelling at 186,000 miles per second relative to a point outside the three-dimensional existence, all matter in the solar system is travelling at that speed in the three-dimensional reality that we perceive. That is the speed of the present time frame.
Different time frames can be addressed at points of strong electro-magnetic energy because that energy directly affects Light energy, altering its characteristics. This is because Light energy is electrical in nature/type.

It is only 'living' matter which absorbs Light in order to grow, as that Light creates the electric energy for growth. Inanimate objects do not grow, obviously, but were formed out of the Earth, which is, itself, a 'static' object created out of the energies of the Solar system. How matter was first conceived from the point about which the three dimensions rotate is complicated but it did not require a Sun but was 'built' on principles of symmetry from simple single structures, from the centre point (of Earth's position) outwards using a 'fractal' approach.

This is why 'animate' matter can be 'destroyed' to give energy, heat, light, such as fossil fuels. Inanimate matter is not destroyed if it is stable. If it is unstable, like uranium, its very instability is used to generate heat and light.

Be aware that Light is the carrier of the energy which allows living matter to grow; it is not the Light itself.

You cannot have Light without Time. Time allows the three dimensions to exist. Light allows the physical to be perceived and for the animate to 'live'. No light, no perception nor life; but matter would exist with 'Time'. No Time, and not even Light would exist. A situation where there was no Time cannot be understood or contemplated by the human mind.

BUT Light creates a time frame in which we exist, since we are all travelling at the same relative speed (relative to each other) and at Light speed relative to an imaginary point outside our 3-dimensional reality. This point is that about which our three dimensions could be said to 'move'.

So the motion of Light creates a time frame which itself allows Light to move, which created the time in the first place. Therefore Light and Time are one and the same thing. Many things follow from this.

Seven carrier bands from the Sun carry the energy to the Earth. This 'Light' creates the time envelope in which 3-dimensional matter exists through motion in those three dimensions. The polarity of the seven bands change every seven days because of the rotational speed of the belt of four equatorial magnetic fields on the Sun.

The faster one moves, the slower time passes. As you travel faster, your speed, relative to the speed of light, reduces. Since time is light, remember, time therefore passes more slowly. The confusion is that the opening words are: "The faster one moves..............", but this is only relative to a fixed point on Earth.

Time/Light in the solar system comes from the Sun, and therefore is the same in the solar system. In other star systems, time/light will relate to that system's star. Our perception of time/light is based upon our existence in the solar system, on Earth. If we took this perception to another star system, we would see time/light in the same way as we see it on Earth, not in the way it exists in that star system. It is for this reason that an alien form of energy from another star system may not perceive our existence (3-dimensional existence) in the solar system as it cannot relate to our base of time/light. But an alien may perceive the energy or electro-magnetic forms.

The spin of the Earth, orbit round the Sun and the Sun's orbit within the galaxy create the three dimensions of matter as we perceive them. With time/light from the Sun, matter exists. Although the Moon orbiting the Earth has its own motions of spin and orbit, these do not create extra dimensions on the Moon as it is within the Earth's gravity and is part of the Earth 'unit'. Other planets in the solar system have different relative motions around the Sun, and while their form can be perceived from Earth through our sense of reality, any energy form created on such a planet would have a different perception of the 3 dimensions, although time/light would have the same source. It is for this reason that we cannot perceive any 'life form' on other planets as they would have a material form relating to that planet's three dimensions.

Other star systems would have different dimensions and time/light and therefore energy forms would have a completely different form and nature. Our 'rules of Science' would have no relevance or meaning in such an environment.

You ask if there are any other life forms elsewhere in the cosmos. If you mean like us, then no, there are not. Humans are products of the Earth. Other planets are products of different harmonies of energies in the cosmos and any life forms will be products of those harmonies. Those life forms may be unrecognisable as such to anyone from a different planet.

The Earth's dimensions are created by the 3 dimensions and time, and therefore to invert these, you must use a body built to the same dimensions in scale. The Great Pyramid is not a record of the Earth's dimensions. The Pyramid had to be of the Earth's dimensions in order to achieve its objectives.

The harmony is at the basis of the motions of the solar system in the galaxy. These allow the 3 dimensions to exist in the envelope of time. The Earth is a product of the harmony and therefore to invert time within the sphere of that product you would use a solid with key dimensions of that same product. This would get inside that harmony allowing time to be 'travelled'.

Light is absorbed by matter at sub-light speed which allows it to be matter and 3-dimensional. But remember that the light comes from the Sun as electro-magnetic emission. That is why the Light is an electro-magnetic field in which matter is given its 3-dimensional form. Matter cannot pass through other matter because of repulsion by the two separate electro-magnetic fields creating the two objects of matter. The strength of this repulsion determines the strength of the matter object and the density. The stronger the field of electro-magnetism holding the matter together, the greater the attraction to Earth which is called gravity.

The Sun's radiation in the form of electrical energy reacts with the Earth energy and causes the Earth to spin. It is the Earth's magnetism which is the internal force here. It is the same polarity as the energy of the Sun's radiation and so magnetic rejection is caused. This magnetic rejection is the cause of all motion, even on a minor scale of objects and people.

Figure 6.3 The relationship between the Earth with its terrestrial magnetism and the effects of solar radiation and wind

The Earth's crust is crystal and this, under compression, creates its own magnetic field through piezo-electricity. Surrounding the Earth, in the atmosphere, is a quite separate magnetic field in what are called the Van Allen belts. These are created by charged particles from the Sun which are trapped in the Earth's atmosphere by the Earth's gravitational pull. This gravitational pull is created by the spin of the mass and of the natural magnetic field in the Earth's crust. The magnetic fields in the Van Allen belts are created by and are directly affected by the radiation from the Sun.

So why does the air wobble? (see Chapter 5)
Because the sound (electricity) finds the harmony with the air electricity. Remember that 12 notes per octave in 12 octaves all sounding together is of immense power. It will find harmony with everything, including the air, and man. But these 144 notes all together will give total confusion. So the right combinations were found for the specific harmonies required. Excess white noise sends the mind into a trance state because it cannot handle the situation; it is total confusion.

But how were the stones lifted?
Lifting meant reversing gravity, something quite different.

But gravity is a force created by a large body like Earth?
Gravity is electrical from the energy round the Earth; from the spin created by the Sun energy, remember. Sound (electricity) of the harmony can locally alter the gravity of an object if the harmony is for that object alone, not affecting the people round about.

All energy is electrical, all energy. For energy you could also say 'force', like gravity.

We have discussed the 'equation' 5 + 7 = 12, but where does 5 come from? This equation is the basis of mathematics. The 'point' about which the motions produce the three dimensions is also the source of the beginning of 'matter' - 5. The Sun provides the light/time of 7. The motions provide the three dimensions and with the 'start' - 5 and 7, light/time - gives 12, the harmony, which is our current reality.

This 'point' is the start of everything and is the point through which other time frames can be reached. It is the source point of non-material energy forms from other time frames. It could be regarded more accurately as a window. This 'point' is therefore far more than a mere point about which rotation occurs since this 'point' generates the matter which rotates.

The source of physical is non-physical - it has to be, for if it were physical itself, then there would have to be a source for that too. The source of the non-physical, however, is more mysterious. Remember that a point 'source' can only be recognised in a physical manner - such a concept cannot exist in a non-physical concept.

The problem with our concept of reality is that we are always looking for a 'beginning' but there is no beginning in the physical sense, since nothing physical can create the beginning. The beginning exists within those that perceive the reality, for without the perception, the reality does not exist. So we have to search for the reality in the beginning of solar life, i.e. life in the solar system.

If the 'big bang' theory is addressing the beginning of all galaxies, then one must realise that physical life did not exist before that time. Therefore there was no perception of our form of reality. It is the perception which is the beginning, not a big bang. We must remember that we created our vision of reality.

We have already discussed the shattering of matter, when it is subjected to certain sound which is harmonic, but what is the relationship between words and matter?

All sound is the discharge of electricity into the ether. We hear it, but we are hearing the discharge. That's why the notes of music are of seven, the octave. They are discharges of electricity. Electricity also has seven bands.

Telepathy is speech without the sound. Same process, same use of energy, same discharge.

Ancient words were important for the sounds that they made, the electricity emitted from the speaker, rather than for the meaning of the word as we now understand it. The ancient meaning related to the power of the word and the energy use of that word. Now it only has a meaning as in a language for communication. Some may be aware of special healers who use certain words to remove ailments from their patients. These are ancient words which have power in their sounds and which have no 'meaning' in terms of a language for communication.

The 'word' was what locked things together - the creator - out of the harmony. There were many 'words' and this was the wisdom, the Knowledge. That is why the 'word' was God, the harmony. (The Bible - St. John 1.1)

This 'word' concept has been confused with the meaning of things, in that until something has been named, it remains unknown. In fact, until the 'word' is used, the thing does not exist. And of course, the 'words' are the sounds uttered by a person to create.

Speech, the sounds we make for audible communication, and the musical sounds are all part of the same thing, sound. Sound and its harmonies are part of the harmony of all, all being everything in existence as energy. This includes the harmonies of man in that we are each of one note.

Numbers are quite different and are used to explain the esoteric.

Mathematics is an analysis of numbers, in that it explains relationships between parts of the numerical structure, but it does not explain why. It is a science, giving the 'what' but not the 'why'. Mathematics has lost track of the why, but it was a very small part of the blueprint of the Earth which explains how numbers were derived. The reason for them has been lost on those that use Maths, but the purpose of the numbers was to explain the esoteric.

So why were numbers needed?
Numbers only exist on paper; they don't exist in the mind because there they are not needed. Recording such knowledge is recent, in the last 20,000 years, when the Knowledge of the mind was held by fewer people. It was communicated to others by numbers. Those with the knowledge used part of the blueprint to explain their knowledge. For numbers you must include signs, especially those of the Zodiac, for this was part of the Knowledge which was communicated.

Numbers are a representation of mathematics and its deep principles, not the other way round. Two-dimensional maths is irrelevant; three-dimensional maths is very relevant. But what matters are quantities, not numbers, because quantities are reality, while numbers are theoretical representations.

Prime quantities can be easily divided up into smaller quantities, but cannot be divided exactly by another prime number except by 1, which is irrelevant. Prime quantities have a much deeper meaning and are one of the roots of mathematics.

Why is the Earth '5'?
It has 3 physical dimensions with sound and light to make it 5. Five notes of music makes harmony with this because the 'whole' of 5 (Earth) has a harmony of its own. Sound surrounds and embraces the three dimensions to create matter. In this creation, light is locked in to give matter electricity. : positive and negative, outside and inside. The whole can be perceived with light and the passage of time. These are NOT part of the 5 nor form 7. Seven is the enlightenment - the understanding - of Time/Light which allows the physical to exist. It is locked into matter to give it form and separately it allows matter to be perceived.

The matter (5) consists of three dimensions, sound (12) and Light (7). The problem with mathematics is that it creates linearity, a single level. 5 is a multi-layered hierarchy, not part of a series. 12 is part of 5, so is 7. But 5 and 7 are also part of 12, the total harmony.

Figure 6.4 The three physical dimensions and sound locked into the time envelope

Mathematics is, now, playing with pictograms (1, 2, 3 etc.) in an attempt to understand the fundamentals of the physical world. But maths assumes linearity which is not what these quantities are about. They do not represent a single dimension. Maths is now a complete corruption of what numbers are supposed to be about.

Figure 6.4 The three physical dimensions and sound locked into the time envelopeIn ancient times, the 'sacred' dimensions of sites were established on the basis of units of sacred quantity relating to the basis of matter and spirit (5, 7, 12 etc.). The 3-dimensional size and qualities (sound etc.) of these sites were unitary in their volume, and the size of their volume became a unit of measurement in its own right.

The relationship of this unit with the 'sacred' numbers of 5, 7, 12 etc. caused confusion of the use of these numbers so that they became units of measure and hence part of mathematics. Maths was then used to try and explain the relationship between the sacred unit of volume and the sacred numbers it embraced, a task which was quite impossible to complete, as one (volume unit) represented the other in a non-mathematical way. Numbers were then adopted as a series, using the original 'sacred' numbers in order to give the concept extra weight and meaning. '5' is a conceptual thing, it is not a number; as for 7 and 12.

That ancient monuments used vital Earth measurements in the proportions of their structures is clear, and Stonehenge seemed to be dropping great hints of this in the shape of the trilithon resembling the constant pi(p), which relates the radius of a circle with the length of its circumference.

With the Pyramids, the key point was at the centre of the structure, where the energies are focused. It is again a function of tuning. Something is now missing from these structures to stop them working. The energy comes up through the ground as the fifth face is directly at right-angles to that vertical spiral of energy. The energy is then 'reflected' off the four faces to the focal point, the 'centre of gravity/energy'. It had to be possible to reflect it off the four faces, but now it is not as the facing quartz has been removed. The purpose of the quartz was not on the effect on the outer surface, but on the inner surface, to 'reflect' the energy. Concentration of this energy allowed the concept of time/matter to be transcended to another time frame.

Time travel with the body is not possible, as we know. That is why a change in time frame is the only possible solution. It does not include the body and is only in the mind. It can only be in the mind and is what happens when you sleep.

The purpose of the Pyramid was to invert the 3 dimensions which allowed the 'movement' into other time frames.

Time travel involves breaking a dimension and to do this you must travel faster than the speed of light, to escape the time envelope. This is not possible with matter as it exists only in the three dimensions and cannot exist with one of these missing.

In order to remove a dimension you have to remain stationary relative to the point against which that dimension is measured. Since that point is outside the solar system, it cannot yet be found and therefore the dimension cannot be removed.

The spin of the Earth creates one dimension but this is not relative to a point at the centre of the Earth but is relative to a point outside the solar system. The spin about the centre of the Earth creates the magnetic 'gravitational' force. So the purpose of the spin is two-fold - one to create a dimension of matter, the other to cause matter to have weight.

Strong centres of electro-magnetic energy are able to transcend the time frames of a person's reality. That is why 'churches' or 'places of worship' were at such centres. They aided spirit travel. A strong electro-magnetic field, such as at a 'node', is necessary to 'travel'.

We must remember that our perception of the world is our perception only. Every object has a sound and it is our perception that it has one of twelve notes. We perceive the twelve note octave, no other animal. Our perception of reality through the various physical senses is consistent, which forms our sanity. If we found regular inconsistency, we would become insane. Understanding all this by examining the brain and how it works is all right up to a point - to our point of sanity. Try and understand beyond that point and we become insane. That is why the human brain cannot examine and understand the workings of the human brain. To understand it fully the examiner would become insane.

Pure energy can 'move' instantly from one place to another. It does not understand the concept of time or speed. It cannot be in two places at the same time but it does not take time to be in a different place.

When energy moves instantly, its 'speed' causes light energy to be emitted which is what we see with UFO's. We have a similar problem understanding what we see in the night sky. The stars in the sky are perceived by man but all we see is the light emitted a very long time ago. Do they really exist or is it just one of our perceptions of 'reality'?

We are physically of the solar system, and therefore our reality includes elements (planets and moons) of the solar system. But what of all that which is beyond the solar system? Does it really exist in the form that we can understand?

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